Thursday, September 10, 2009

Irresistible Revolution. First post

"Just as believers are a dime a dozen in the church, so are activists in social justice circles nowadays. But lovers are hard to come by...Lovers, people who are building deep, genuine relationships with fellow strugglers along the way, and who actually know the faces of the people behind the "issues" they are concerned about" Lover is what shane would tell people was his occupation when they asked him what his occupation was. Not only was it an answer for people who were looking to identify him with an occupation but he truly believes that is his occupation/purpose. I think that we are so consumed (including myself for sure) with the things of this world that it's almost impossible for "us" to comprehend what it would be like to give everything up and genuinely (and I mean genuinely in every element possible) and become a lover. It's hard for me to take the command to get rid of everything I have literally and that is because I'm so consumed by the material things of this world. I can only speak for myself on that but I know I'm not the only one. Shane does a good job and stating the obvious in its simplest of terms and this quote is a great example. Shane couldn't be more spot on and simple, we need genuine lovers to take over the church (not the building) and lead more people to be genuine lovers.

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